Cate, Charles and Georgie

Cate, Charles and Georgie
At Rushcutters Bay!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Back in Hospital

I have the best intentions but I am afraid that the days seem to disappear. I am sitting in our room next to a sleeping child. Georgie is not feeling the best today. She has a sore back and is not up to eating or drinking. This is the flattest she has been for a while but it is to be expected. Her chemo which runs for 24 hours finished at 6am this morning. The doctors/nurses told me that each treatment can have different reactions so just take the first round ten days ago as a guide. I also believe that with each of these treatments she could feel worse after each one as she is receiving such a high dose.

So this is my opportunity to bore you all with an update of the Seymour's activities over the last week.....

Georgie did get to school and almost doubled her attendance in one hit. She managed to go on the Friday and then four days last week. They were all full days and she seemed to really enjoy herself. She gave the thumbs up when asked how her day was on Thursday. Georgie and I then came to Clinic on Friday for bloods and to see the doctors for admission on Sunday night.

CCate had a good couple of weeks at school. They had the NAPLAN tests last week for three days so that will be interesting to see how she went. As we have come from a different system it will be handy to see where she is at. The main thing is that she seemed to take it all in her stride and not get too excited about it. We have not yet investigated after school activities or Saturday sport - all in good time but I think it would be good for her to get into something so we shall aim for that for the start of the next term. All in good time!!

Charles has recovered from his fall. He did develop slap cheek which was all new to me. For those of you who like me had no idea what the doctor was talking about it is a viral infection and he came out with a rash over his whole body and as the name suggests his cheeks were rather red. I actually thought that he had some sunburn from being in the car. Silly Sally!! So after I googled it we were all concerned about Georgie but the doctors have told us not to worry. Sure!! Charles is now Jill's supermarket shopping companion. This was a first for Gie(grandma) to take a grandchild shopping but they apparently have their little routine. Charles stands (if you don't mind) in the trolley and waves to people with the one hand. Last week by the time they got to Woolworths he was feeling a little tired so he sat. Jill then told us that this worked well for him because he could wave with both hands! Today is a beautiful wet day in Sydney so grocery shopping will be a great outing for them both. I hope!! (Poor Jill.) Charles just loves having the girls around to play with. As long as he is able to potter around after them he is completely happy.

Michael had another really busy week at work but did finally get to the rugby on Friday night just before the game started so that was good. He mentioned that it brought back memories from a past life when we used to go together. Charles and I had a good week. We caught up with Josie and Ashley for a play one morning at a park which will be close to our new home and we went to a play group at church on the Tuesday. It is a new group so once the numbers grow it will be even better. The children's minister at church is running it so she organises all the activities so there is some structure but at the same time it is very relaxed. It is in the house opposite church so we play in the backyard and it all feels like being in someones home.

Thursday was my birthday and Charles and I had a lovely lunch with Michael. We picked him up from a meeting at Optus and drove to Kirribilli. We had lunch at a little Italian cafe near the bridge and then we had a play in the park. That night I had dinner with some of my girlfriends and Helen, my sister which was such a lovely night. It was a real treat to be able to do that. I can't forget my surprise afternoon tea (chocolate cake) with the children and Jill and Dave as well. However, my real celebration with the family was lunch on Saturday with our family and Helen. The six of us had a yummy lunch in Roseville and run around. I would of loved to stay home that night (ever the party girl) but I agreed to go to the Mother's Night fund raiser at Pymble Public. 160 women in the school hall for dinner, shopping, auctions, dancing and singing. an interesting night - easier if you know people but you have to start somewhere. I met some nice Mums on my table. A couple have children in Georgie's class.

And here we are back in Westmead. I have rambled on long enough. I will really try to do the short sweet thing more often but I do say that and it doesn't happen..... She is still asleep! The best thing for her at the moment. We love to hear from all of you and we would love to hear what you are up to as well, so do send us an email. Lots of love Sx

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