Cate, Charles and Georgie

Cate, Charles and Georgie
At Rushcutters Bay!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Update from Sydney

The Seymour's left sunny Singapore last Wednesday night and headed home! After 3 1/2 years in Bangladesh, they are finally back in Sydney. Reports are they are all doing well but extremely busy setting themselves up. As you can imagine there is a lot to do! Visiting schools for both girls, buying cars, looking for a home and keeping up with hospital visits.

They are currently staying at Mike's parents' place waiting for furniture to arrive. The best way to contact them is via the blog so keep the messages coming.



  1. Dawn and Duncan BrownMarch 10, 2010 at 12:14 AM

    Hi Sally - Like many I'm new to this but hoping it works. It was really great to see you all looking so well n Singapore and know that you arrived safely back in Sydney heavily laden - boy it must have been fun unpacking those bags!!!
    Sandie, Nicky and I enjoyed the remaining days there and ate incredibly well. The Ritz didn't disappoint & I think Sandie enjoyed it as much as I did.
    Thinking of you all. Hoping that things are going OK with you and looking forward to hearing your news. Loads of love - Dawn xx

  2. Hi All, Hope you are settling into Sunny Sydney and the transition is a smooth as possible. We will be thinking of you and looking forward to hearing your news. xx Natalie and boys

  3. Hi Seymour Gang, Wow Georgie so famous having your own blog! We had a few reportings of Seymour sightings in Singapore ... everyone raving about how well everyone is doing. Stay strong. Good luck with the admin of resettling in Australia!!! I still do not have my medicare card as they keep sending one out and forgetting one of the kids names off it!!! Hopefully they will be a little more switched on for you guys. It is soo exciting for us though to know you are close ... we are sailing in Sydney for a few days over Easter so will try to see you then if you have any spare time??? Sal, I have the photo to send you of our day at the park in Brissy so pls send me best postal address (it is an old-fashioned printed out one!). Lots of love All The Js
    PS: here'a a double rainbow picture for you guys taken off the deck. hugs!

  4. Hi I am so glad that you are all back together. You all look wonderful. Georgie you look great and your mum must be so proud of how strong you are being. I hope you are all getting settled back in Sydney. I am glad you are doing this blog, it's a great idea and I am looking forward to hearing all your news.

    Take care of yourselves
    With love
    Sharon, XXXX

  5. I am trying to make contact with Andrea Hatzidis.

    Andrea if you get this message can you please telephone Christina on +61 3 9280 3575. If I'm not in and you get my voice mail, can you please leave a phone number and/or email on which I can reach you.

  6. Hi Sally, Michael, Cate, Georgie and Charles,

    Thanks for your long post. It was great to hear all your news and to have a chat the other day Sally. I am glad the girls like their school uniform - I am sure they look gorgeous in it.

    Good luck with the next round of treatment.

    Love to you all,
