Just a really quick hello. The evenings seem to disappear and then I wonder why I am feeling weary in the morning. Michael and I are both getting used to doing the domestics. So instead of emailing I was ironing!! Welcome to life back at home in beautiful sunny Sydney. Anyway, Cate had another great day at Pymble Public today. She has made some nice little friends and so far so good. Georgie has also been really keen to get to school so today was the day. They both looked so cute in their uniforms - sort of grey/blue check with a fine yellow stripe and a bright yellow hat with the wide brim of course. Lucky they both look great in yellow. After a rocky start when she quickly changed her mind upon entering her class room when she realised that we were not following things improved. The Deputy Head rescued us and she took G off and kept updating us throughout the day. Much to our amazement she lasted the whole day. Not sure how she will be tomorrow but she seemed to have fun and insisted on the teacher giving her homework which the teacher was reluctant to do. Our wonderful oncology nurse consultant went out to the school today to meet with all the admin staff and teachers to brief them so apparently that went very well according to both sides. After much thought and discussion we have decided to put Georgie into Year 1 to take the pressure off so we hope this is the right decision. Cate is very happy with her Year 3 teacher who is new to the school.
So after dropping the girls Michael and I spent the rest of the day ticking some things off our list...... new NSW licenses, bit of shopping, bought a car, grocery shopping and then home to Charles who had been entertaining his grandmother all morning.
I think we are house hunting again tomorrow....
Georgie's nurse came to the house after school to administer her chemo and she will be here by 8am tomorrow so give her the last dose of that drug for the week and take out her needle to the port so she can be free of the tubes and needle until Monday. We are back to Westmead on Monday and we shall see our consultant, Dr Luce so we have been advised to take a packed lunch. It is likely that Georgie will have to have another blood transfusion on Monday so perhaps we shall take dinner as well.
Better get to bed. 8am is just around the corner.
Love to you all. I am sorry that some of you are having problems with the blog. I shall consult my technical adviser who had to help me again and see what I can suggest.